Lisa FitzGerald is an associate member of CRBC Rennes (EA 4451).
This report has been commissioned by GIS E.I.R.E (Groupement d’intérêt scientifique : Études Irlandaises: Réseaux et Enjeux) with the aim of highlighting and encouraging increased interaction and cooperation between Irish artists and the French institutions that provide artistic, financial and social support by way of residencies. This overall aim has been broken down into three components: first, an overview of the background and context from which this relationship has emerged, second, interviews with practitioners that have taken advantage of the opportunities and cultural encounters that are on offer and finally, suggestions on how emerging Irish artists can harness the expertise of both French and Irish policymakers and cultural institutions. This intercultural dialogue will, in turn, foster and open up new associations between the practitioner and the organizational policies and practices that allow Irish artists to develop and experience wider cultural diversity. Increased mobility is an integral part of the development of young and emerging artists and there are opportunities that can promote increased interaction and cultural exchange which is beneficial to both artists and cultural institutions. The targeted mission of the report is to focus on emerging artists that may not be aware of the steps and competency required to avail of the opportunities that are available to them in France.

Graphic design and illustrations : Chloé Segalen