Revisiting the UK and Ireland’s Transatlantic Economic Relationship with the United States in the 21st Century


Revisiting the UK and Ireland’s Transatlantic Economic Relationship with the United States in the 21st Century

Beyond Sentimental Rhetoric

Editors: Groutel, Anne, Pauwels, Marie-Christine, Peyronel, Valérie (Eds.)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

This book revisits the economic relationship that ties the UK and Ireland to the United States in the aftermath of the greatest economic crisis of the past fifty years. When considering recent developments to these economic links, it appears that oppositional forces are at work. On one hand, globalization and the rise of new economic powers may undermine the ties. Besides, Ireland’s and the UK’s European Union membership could also loosen their economic ties with the US. Conversely, the future Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement may well strengthen trade and investment links between the US and Europe.

Are the economic bonds between the US, the UK and Ireland waning, as some pundits purport? Or are those claims overstated? Could their economic relationship simply be going through a process of change? Although there may not be a single and straightforward answer to these questions, the authors seek to address these issues and provide insight into the changing dynamics of this historic economic relationship.

Anne Groutel is an associate professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France) where she teaches English applied to economics, business and management. Her publications include: “Whither the State? The Recent Evolution of the Role of the State in Ireland”, Irish Studies in Europe Series, (2012) and “Engaging the Irish Diaspora in Ireland’s Economic Development: a Double-edged Sword?”, Irish Studies in Europe Series, (2014).

Marie-Christine Pauwels is an associate professor of American Studies in the Foreign Languages Department of the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense (France). She has written several books on American culture and society including, The Civilization of the United States (regularly updated) and The American Dream (1997).

Valérie Peyronel is a professor of Anglo-Irish Studies at Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University (France) and has been the director of CERVEPAS (Centre d’Étude et de Recherche sur la Vie Économique des Pays Anglophones) since October 2012. She has published and co-edited several works on these issues, including La crise financière et les économies du monde Anglophone (2010) and “Crisis: what crisis?”, Etudes irlandaises, Autumn issue (2015).

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